Our 3 Favourite Sailing Magazines

Why Choose a Sailing Magazine?

No matter what level your sailing experience you will always find yourself referring to your course notes or favourite sailing handbook for a ‘theory’ refresher. In broad terms, the general principles you are checking up on do not change. However in our modern world of constantly evolving technology, revolutionary design concepts and not forgetting the ever unpredictable human nature element it is good practice and always of interest to keep up-to-date with the current trends and stories. There is a wide range of boating and sailing magazines that do just that. Usually published monthly you will find in-depth articles on all the latest gear and equipment, reviews of the latest (and second-hand) boats to enter the market and real-life stories from sailors learning their craft. Targeting the like-minded sailor, there will always be articles of interest that manage (or enhance) the craving whilst in between time on the water.

Our Favourite Three Sailing Magazines

As a regular reader, with bookshelves of past copies to prove it, I’d like to share with you my 3 favourite sailing magazines and why they have been on my reading list since I became interested in this wonderful pastime.

1. Sailing Today

I started buying Sailing Today in it’s early days because it offered a refreshing change from titles which promised much but failed to deliver on content. It soon became a firm favourite with it’s informative articles, cruisers stories and reader experiences and I always looked forward to reading my copy every month. Nearly 20 years on and I still look forward to losing myself in a good cruising story. Highly recommended.

Sailing Today

Sailing Today Magazine Subscription*

With every issue of Sailing Today you will see our passion for cruising throughout the magazine.
Keeping in step with all the latest trends, boats and products, Sailing Today is the UK’s magazine for hands on cruising sailors. Launched in 1997, Sailing Times broke the mould from day one, quickly establishing a loyal following by offering a younger, more dynamic and appealing mix of content than the old, mature, niche titles. Known especially for its in-depth boat, gear and equipment articles, every issue includes 12 pages of new and used boat tests and up to 30 pages of gear tests, reviews and explanations.



2. Yachting Monthly

Yachting Monthly was my first ‘Sailing’ magazine but it would be difficult to choose which is my overall favourite. I particularly love ‘Confessionals’ we’ve all been there though, haven’t we? Looking to buy a boat – then the new and used test pages are a must read. Highly recommended.

Sailing MagazinesYachting Monthly Magazine Subscription*

Yachting Monthly – essential reading for those who actively sail their boats. Written by sailors for sailors who want to discover new horizons. Readers’ real-life experiences in our Sailing Skills section and ‘Confessional’ page. Authoritative reports on yachting equipment, new technology and new and second-hand boats by one of the most trusted test teams in the business.
A Yachting Monthly subscription will provide you with an all you need to know guide to sailing.
Written by sailors, for sailors, Yachting Monthly is at the heart of the British yachting market for people who actively sail their boats. Yachting Monthly provides an authoritative, yet entertaining, mix of information for yachtsmen with any level of experience.
Each issue contains informative and inspirational articles, readers share real-life experiences in the Sailing Skills section and the ‘Confessional’ page. Plus read authoritative reports on yachting equipment, new technology and new and second-hand boats by one of the most trusted test teams in the industry.
Yachting Monthly magazine is at the heart of the British yachting market and is for people who actively sail in their spare time, whether cruising across the coast or further afield in blue waters. It provides an entertaining mix of vital information for cruising yachtsmen with all levels of experience which maximises their enjoyment, increases their skills and gives them the confidence to broaden their horizons.
Subscribe today to Yachting Monthly magazine and keep up-to-date with the goings on in the world.


3. Practical Boat Owner

When I first became interested in ‘Boating’ I did not know which side of the divide my loyalties were, white flappy bits vs stinkers. PBO was a good place to start and after initially falling for old Princesses and Fairline Targa’s the flappy bits finally won. Best of both worlds in this magazine as they cover both with equal passion. If your preference is doing and tinkering then PBO has all the practical advice you need. Recommended.

Practical Boat Owner Magazine Subscription*

Practical Boat Owner is Britain’s biggest-selling boating magazine and a brand readers really trust. A source of useful and helpful information for boat owners, both power and sail, it helps them get the most from their chosen leisure activity. Its affluent, but practically-minded consumers find PBO is a forum for interacting with like-minded individuals.
A Practical Boat Owner magazine subscription is an essential monthly read for anyone with a passion for sailing and motorboating.
Practical Boat Owner magazine features a mix of expert advice, readers’ experiences and tests of the latest boats and gear that makes Practical Boat Owner Britain’s most popular boating magazine.
Practical Boat Owner magazine brings you expert tips for better boat-handling, how to get your boat into top gear, major tests of the latest electronics and life saving gear, plus lots of advice to help you get the most from your boating budget. Plus, Practical Boat Owner also boasts a special Motorboat section in every issue.
Practical Boat Owner magazine makes a perfect gift subscription for anyone with a passion for sailing and motor boating. With a Practical Boat Owner magazine subscription you’ll ensure you never miss an issue.


Further Reading Material

The three titles above may be my favourites for regular reading and I strongly recommend you make sure of receiving your regular copy by taking out a subscription by clicking on any of the boxes above. There are however, other monthly publications available to further your knowledge and keep up-to-date with all the latest news and events in the sailing world.

* Please note: All narrative relating to the magazine subscription(s) is provided by the Publisher.

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